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Эйф -
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Как выясняется, фанатский баттхёрт по поводу описок в фамилии Томаса не настолько оправдан (хотя всё равно, конечно, оправдан). Ибо:
— "He is the famed Stone of Hiddles, obviously!"
— "Well technically, his family name comes from the Stone of Hudel … as in his ancestor named Hudel lived near a noteworthy rock someplace in England…"
— "I thought names ending in -ton usually came from a town? In which case Hiddleston would have literally, at one point, been Hiddle’s Town. I could be so very, dearly wrong, though, this is just what I’ve been led to believe by, like, dictionaries and stuff. (Mainstream dictionaries for the common masses aren’t always known to be the most trustworthy or up-to-date in their sources)"
— "I did some research and found out that his specifically means stone. Also found out about the ancestor name and such. I posted a while back about it. -ston = stone -ton = town. The trick is to figure out which it is when you look it up. Luckily in this case, his surname is a known Scottish name with a history behind it and the first part of his surname comes from the Anglo-Saxon first name of Hudel. You can even find out where that family was originally from."
Первый день на работе. После полуторамесячного перерыва.
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Эйф -
Ладно, добавим немного смысла ))))
Это интересно
Двадцать минут на тумблере.
Эйф -
Ладно, добавим немного смысла ))))
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