さあ目を開けて 君は強い人、その目が見たから 全ては生まれた

— First discovered in Japan, the name hydrangea comes from the Greek “hydor,” meaning water, and “angos,” meaning jar or vessel. This roughly translates to “water barrel,” referring to the hydrangea’s need for plenty of water and its cup-shaped flower. With its wooden stems and lacy, star-shaped flowers packed closely together in a pompom, the hydrangea’s color ranges from white to blue to pink and purple, determined by the acidity level of the soil. (x)


— Hydrangea are called Ajisai in Japanese, and they remind most Japanese people of the rainy season, around the month of June. This is because hydrangea bloom at about the same time, and the flowers grow deeper in color as rain water falls on them through this period. (x)

— it’s pretty darn obvious why this is Haru’s flower tbh, and gosh it’s so cute

feel free(!) to correct me if some of the information is wrong

— That, and the fact that one reading of ajisai is haruka XD

紫陽花 【あじさい】 (f) Ajisai 【しょうこ】 (f) Shouko 【しよか】 (f) Shiyoka 【はるか】 (f) Haruka

Я теперь даже не знаю, цветы ли выбирали под Харуку или Харуку под цветы :-D

@темы: free!